GET events/category/{id}
Updated, 2012-06-19 14:28
Returns a list of events that belong to the category requested and are available in publique catalog view.
Resource Information
Rate Limited? | No |
Authentication | Optional |
Response Formats | json,xml |
HTTP Methods | GET |
Response Object | list<Event> |
Resource URL{id}.format
Parameter | Description |
idOrUrlKey | The identification number system or the url key. Example Values : 30 |
count | Indicates the number of records to retrieve. The default value 20. Example Values : 30 |
offset | The offset starting point (0-based) to return the first object in the list. The default value is 0. Example Values : 20 |
page | The page of data to retrieve. Example Values : 6 |
locale | Language Example Values : fr, en |
product_image_size | Image size of returned product Example Values : 80 , 80x90 |
Example Request
Example Response
{ "event" : { "id" : 2, "name" : "Test event checkin", "url" : "http:\/\/\/shopping\/testforms\/testforms\/event\/test_event_checkin\/Detail.view", "url_key" : "test_event_checkin", "available_places" : -14, "sold_places" : 24, "description_short" : "Performing Arts, Comedy", "start_date" : "2012-04-19T14:00:00-04:00", "end_date" : "2012-04-19T20:00:00-04:00", "timezone" : "America\/Montreal", "capacity" : 10, "logo" : "http:\/\/\/repository\/testforms\/testforms\/logo\/logo_2.png", "venue" : { "title" : "Players Theatre", "address" : "McGill Student Services Building", "address_2" : "3480 McTavish, 3rd Floor", "city" : "Montreal", "iso_country" : "CA", "iso_region" : "CA-QC", "phone_number" : "", "phone_number_2" : "", "postal_code" : "H3A-1X9", "map_point_url" : "http:\/\/\/maps?q=H3A-1X9&hl=en&ll=45.503189,-73.576984&spn=0.022017,0.055747&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=50.51141,114.169922&hnear=Montreal,+Quebec+H3A+1X9,+Canada&t=m&z=15" }, "products" : { "product" : [ { "id" : 15643, "sku" : "test_shipping_weight", "identifier" : "test_shipping_weight", "name" : "Test shipping weight EN", "currency" : "CAD", "description_short" : "", "description_full" : "<br>", "type" : "regular", "price" : "800.00", "rebate_price" : "800.00", "is_active" : true, "is_buyable" : true, "is_shippable" : true, "is_featured_new" : true, "weight" : 10, "length" : 12, "width" : 2, "height" : 50, "in_promotion" : false, "parent_product_id" : 0, "is_managed_inventory" : false, "number_remaining" : 0, "number_sold" : 5 }, { "id" : 15659, "sku" : "product_test_event_checkin", "identifier" : "product_test_event_checkin", "name" : "Product Test event checkin", "currency" : "CAD", "description_short" : "", "description_full" : "<br>", "type" : "event", "price" : "15.00", "rebate_price" : "15.00", "is_active" : true, "is_buyable" : true, "is_shippable" : false, "is_featured_new" : false, "weight" : 0, "length" : 0, "width" : 0, "height" : 0, "in_promotion" : false, "parent_product_id" : 0, "is_managed_inventory" : false, "number_remaining" : 0, "number_sold" : 0 }, { "id" : 15677, "sku" : "test_promotion", "identifier" : "test_promotion", "name" : "Test promotion", "currency" : "CAD", "description_short" : "", "description_full" : "<div id=\"lipsum\">\n<p>\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ipsum \nvelit, pellentesque bibendum scelerisque vitae, facilisis non turpis. \nDuis nec augue purus, vitae dictum odio. Sed et leo sed dolor hendrerit \nconvallis. Sed orci arcu, venenatis vitae facilisis eu, iaculis non \nnisl. Aenean a egestas est. Curabitur condimentum malesuada nisi at \nconsequat. Praesent eu lectus augue, sed eleifend eros. Proin \ncondimentum convallis quam, a blandit ligula tempor id.\n<\/p>\n<p>\nAliquam erat volutpat. Etiam urna purus, sollicitudin at semper eu, \negestas sit amet enim. Praesent quis malesuada nisl. Suspendisse tortor \ndui, tempus et hendrerit vel, vehicula vel ligula. Morbi vitae felis \ndiam. Vivamus risus justo, interdum in mollis hendrerit, tempus eget \nest. Suspendisse rutrum sapien ut nunc sodales gravida. Fusce risus \nurna, varius a iaculis vel, pharetra at ipsum. Pellentesque commodo \nvestibulum adipiscing. Donec pulvinar tincidunt venenatis.\n<\/p>\n<p>\nVestibulum auctor libero id sem fringilla ut consequat leo euismod. \nPhasellus at neque neque. Sed non fermentum sapien. Sed quis sagittis \nnisl. Nulla aliquam placerat interdum. Fusce id lorem dolor. Sed enim \nmi, ornare nec pharetra quis, congue eu eros. Maecenas pretium placerat \nultricies. Donec non urna nibh. Maecenas vitae odio quis tellus sodales \niaculis. Sed neque mauris, convallis ac aliquet vitae, rhoncus sit amet \ntellus. Cras quis tincidunt neque. Integer consequat accumsan nulla, ac \ndictum est malesuada sed. Suspendisse vel dignissim neque. Etiam \nvenenatis, risus sed egestas luctus, leo nisi placerat augue, vel \naccumsan ligula sapien nec turpis. <br><\/p><ul><li>Item 1<br><\/li><li>Item 2<br><\/li><li>Item 3<br><\/li><\/ul>\n<p>\nDonec turpis tellus, suscipit nec sollicitudin eu, eleifend eu libero. \nDuis dapibus sapien sollicitudin erat venenatis fringilla ullamcorper \nnibh sollicitudin. Ut turpis nunc, tristique quis luctus non, blandit \nnon lectus. Mauris aliquet elit ac eros dignissim in pharetra quam \nfringilla. Donec orci eros, tristique in tempus quis, vehicula nec \nligula. Morbi aliquet rhoncus euismod. Mauris auctor eros eget nisi \nelementum eu vehicula tellus gravida. Aliquam aliquet egestas \nadipiscing. Phasellus pellentesque pellentesque dolor in sollicitudin. \nPellentesque a ante quis lacus fermentum lobortis et eget enim.\n<\/p>\n<p>\nPhasellus non quam odio. In ipsum neque, mollis quis laoreet sed, \nadipiscing sed nunc. Cras sed enim diam. Cras sed nulla vel purus \nconvallis facilisis in auctor quam. Phasellus venenatis semper \nfermentum. Curabitur lacinia tincidunt arcu in varius. Aliquam placerat \ndiam a urna dignissim euismod. Phasellus ultricies orci sit amet eros \nvehicula sed fermentum magna ullamcorper.\n<\/p><\/div>", "type" : "regular", "price" : "15.00", "rebate_price" : "12.00", "is_active" : true, "is_buyable" : true, "is_shippable" : false, "is_featured_new" : false, "weight" : 0, "length" : 0, "width" : 0, "height" : 0, "in_promotion" : true, "parent_product_id" : 0, "is_managed_inventory" : false, "number_remaining" : 0, "number_sold" : 0 } ] } } }
Response Object "Event"
Field | Data Type | Description |
id | long | The unique identifier of the event. The ID is automatically generated and can not be changed. |
name | string | The name of the event. |
url | string | The URL of the details of the event |
url_key | string | The url key "unique identifier" |
available_places | int | The number of places available. |
sold_places | int | The number of tickets sold. |
description_short | string | The short description of the event. |
description_full | text | The full description of the event. |
start_date | Date ISO-8601 | Start date. |
end_date | Date ISO-8601 | End date. |
timezone | string | The timezone of the event. |
capacity | int | The maximum number of participants. |
logo | string | The url of the logo. |
venue | EventVenue | Event venue. |
products | list<Product> | The list of products related to the event |
Response Object "EventVenue"
Field | Data Type | Description |
title | string | The title of the site. |
address | string | The address line 1. |
address_2 | string | The address line 2. |
city | string | The city. |
iso_country | string | The ISO country code. |
iso_region | string | The ISO code of the region. |
phone_number | string | Telephone number. |
phone_number_2 | string | The second phone number. |
postal_code | string | The zip code. |
fax_number | string | The fax number. |
map_point_url | string | URL of the Google map. |